A’Riane Holliday
Art 245
Diller Scofidio is the name of an art based New York City design studio named after the founders Elizabeth Diller and Ricardo Scofidio. Elizabeth Diller is actually a professor at the Princeton University where she teaches architecture. They use architecture, visual arts and the performing arts in there art works. The thing that they are known for the best would be there architecture from their actual built art. They do use some video art and electronic art but majority of what they create is instillation art. Diller and Scofidio have received numerous awards for their art including them receiving the genius award from the MacArthur Foundation for here integrating architecture which includes contemporary culture. They were the first to receive the MacArthur Prize in the field of Architecture. Currently there studio is being ran by Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio and also Charles Renfro, changing the name to their art to Diller Scofidio+Renfro. They all work together on the design of a new piece of art or on new projects to come. They all have a say in what is going on with the art. They have some books out and a lot of their art is featured in art schools around the country or in their own art gallery in New York. Elizabeth Diller is very famous in the architectural world. Her works are very creative and innovative and people cannot get enough of the work that she does. Her famous work that she created with Scofidio is known as The Blur Building. This is a building of pure genius which is also known as the Blur Pavilion. What they did was they designed a building that suspended platform that has fog surrounding the building and appears to be a cloud. It is a metal construction that sprays lake water from 31,400 jets. These high pressured spraying jets make sure that the fog will be visible in all types of different weather. The high pressured jets release drops so small that the drops stay suspended in the air. IT creates the effect of midst but is really just droplets of water and this effect is known as the blur, which is the name behind the actual building. The next artist that I decided to research is Ken Rinaldo. Rinaldo was born in 1958 and he studied biology as a teen and ballet in New York until he was 20 years old. He has an AS in Computer Science from Canada College, a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from University California Santa Barbara and a MFA from the Conceptual and Information Arts program, San Francisco State University. He is an Associate Professor teaching robotic installation and multimedia in the Art & Technology program at The Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio. Ken Rinaldo is a man who is an artist, theorist and author who creates interactive multimedia which works between the organic and inorganic. Interactive media normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based systems which respond to the user’s actions by presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video, audio, games and more. He uses organic and electro-mechanical elements in his art and he also uses a co-evolution between living and evolving technological material. His art is influenced by theories on living systems, artificial life, interspecies and Tran species, etc. which is why most of his art is a robotic copy of a human function of the body. A lot of his works are displayed at museums and galleries such as the: Galician Museum of Contemporary art Spain, Lille International Arts Festival France, and way more. When I researched Rinaldo, it said that he comes from a family of artists and inventors which would explains his talent and his work with electronic and multimedia interactive art. Both his parents are contemporary artists.
One of his great works is known as the Paparazzi Bots. The Paparazzi Bots is an art series of five robots which are as tall as an average human. They use infrared sensors to move towards humans and they capture pictures of people and release the pictures to the press and the internet. The robot moves as fast as an average human who is walking. He creates great thing such as this very often. He has a lot of works all over the world in museums and since they are interactive people really enjoy them.
When I compare the two artist the together I see that they are both heavily involved in the architecture of their art. Both of them work directly with what is going on in there art work when it comes to actually building their work. They both are into designing pieces that are interactive and that catch the human eye although, Rinaldo’s art is more interactive when it comes to the two pieces that I chose to talk about. Even the pieces that Diller and Scofidio do have that are interactive are not as interactive as Rinaldo’s art. They both do qualify as artist who chose to do interactive multimedia genre type of art but people get more use out of RInaldo’s art rather than Diller and Scofidio. Diller and Scofidio have some very political artistic pieces. A lot of their other works are very cultural and have more of a political story behind what they make. A lot of Rinaldo’s art focuses on the human body and reproducing/re-enacting the human bodies movements and functions. If I had to compare Rinaldo’s art to Scofidio and Diller, I would have to say that Scofidio and Diller is more show and tell compared to Rinaldo’s art in my opinion of what I have seen.
All in all both of the artist are very creative and innovative and I would love to go and see their art in person. The blur building is something that someone would only think to make in a dream and Diller made it a reality. Rinaldo’s work is very creative and his work with robots are being used in more things than I think he would have expected.